Flex Belt Crossover

Flex Belt Crossover

Flex Belt Crossover transport lines are ideal for utilizes that require cross-over inflexibility with the belt level being used, for example, belts with undulated sidewalls and spikes.

These belts are upheld on the return side gratitude to the extra unbending nature. This is accomplished by methods for the utilization of uncommon monofilament textures and an expanded thickness of the elastic between the textures, or by a cross-over steel fortification.

The belts are made in standard quality, and on solicitation can be made in exceptional characteristics (antiflame, antioil, white and others). The edges can be cut or fixed.

Flex Belt Crossover Attributes

These belts can be made in various characteristics, as follows:

  • XE+TR. Planned with EP texture layers and 1 or 2 layers of transitionally unbending texture. Suggested for utilizes with medium weight.
  • XE+TRS. Planned with EP texture layers and 1 or 2 steel breaker layers that are transitionally unbending (by and large BF500RE or BF800RE). Suggested for utilizes with substantial weight and huge widths.
  • XM+TRS. Planned with a steel body and 1 or 2 steel breaker layers that are transitionally unbending (by and large BF500RE or BF800RE). Suggested for extreme uses, with extraordinary conveying limit and critical measurements.

Flex Belt Crossover Fields of utilization

These belts are primarily utilized in offices with steep slants, up to 90º, in assorted areas, for example, mining, port offices and boat to dispatch stacking, quarries, storehouses, iron and steel, air terminals, earthenware production and gypsum.

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